Quick Tanks can provide custom engineered ASME code or non-code storage and hydropneumatic tanks, as well as standard ASME (QHTC) and non-code (QHT) tanks. These tanks are typically horizontal and can be supplied with loose or welded carbon steel saddles. These tanks are typically used in mobile home parks, truck stops, or anywhere that a large water supply is needed. These tanks are often installed below grade or partially inserted through a well house wall.
ASME tanks are designed and built per the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1. These tanks use ASME approved materials and welding procedures, are hydrostatically tested to 1.3x the design pressure, and are designed with a 3.5:1 safety factor. We have the ability to radiographically test (RT) weld joints as required by the ASME code or customer request. Each tank is reviewed by a third-party Authorized Inspector (AI) during the hydrostatic pressure test. All ASME tanks are registered with the National Board and provided with the Manufacturer鈥檚 Data Report. Quick Tanks ASME tanks can be purchased with a Canadian Registration Number (CRN), seismically rated supports, and additional quality documentation upon request. These tanks can be shipped mill finish, prepared for rubber lining, or lined and painted by us.
Non-code tanks are designed with a 3:1 safety factor using a broad range of carbon steel and provide an economic alternative to ASME tanks, often with a shorter lead time. Seismically rated supports are available as an option. These tanks are subjected to an air test prior to painting and can be shipped mill finish, prepared for rubber lining, or lined and painted by us.
For further information call us or send and email to info@quicktanks.com.
Click here to download our RFQ Form and submit it to quote@quicktanks.com.